• Slovak Technical Museum

    It is a state-funded organization established by the Ministry of Culture of the Slovak Republic and is one of the most important technical museums in Slovakia. More info
  • Museum of Aviation in Košice

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  • Museum of Transport in Bratislava

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  • Saltworks Museum in Prešov

    Unikátny komplex technických objektov na čerpanie a varenie soli zo soľanky, pochádzajúci zo 17. storočia. More info
  • Museum of Cinematography of the Schuster Family in Medzev

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  • Museum of J. M. Petzval in Spišská Belá

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  • Manor house in Budimír

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Opening hours of the Manor House in Budimír during holidays

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Opening hours during the Christmas holidays

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Winter closure - Museum of Aviation

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Opening hours during the holiday

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We don't use the METRO

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STM was established in 1947

O nás

The Slovak Technical Museum is a state grant organization established by the Ministry of Culture of the Slovak Republic and a memory fund institution specializing in the documentation of the history of science, production and technology. Manages a rich collection fund, initiates the care of selected technical monuments in situ throughout Slovakia. It provides professional assistance in saving, restoring and making them available. It documents the contribution of Slovakia and its personalities to the development of world science and technology. You can visit the expositions and exhibitions of the Slovak Technical Museum in the branches in Košice, Bratislava, Prešov, Budimíra, Medzev and Spišská Bela.

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